The loan that matches your plans and objectives
Cembra Money Bank can support you with a tailor-made personal loan that matches your financial situation and plans:
Cash Loan : The fixed-term loan with fixed monthly repayments
Cash Loan Plus : The loan with money reserves and multiple withdrawals during the first two years
Fixed-term and fixed-repayment loans

Cash Loan
Thanks to the fixed term and fixed repayments, this loan offers you the comfort of knowing what expenses you can expect each month. Gain an initial overview: use our loan calculator to calculate the size of the loan you want, specify the required term and get an immediate forecast for the monthly repayments that will need to be made. By the way: If you already have a loan with another bank, you can easily switch this to Cembra Money Bank. We can help you with this.

Loans for greater flexibility

Cash Loan Plus
With our Cash Loan Plus you have maximum financial flexibility and the possibility to access a money reserve. Within the framework of the agreed maximum credit limit, during the first two years your access to money is uncomplicated and flexible. You can obtain money exactly when you need it.

Approval of a loan is forbidden by law if it would lead to over-indebtedness on the part of the customer (legal stipulation as required by Art. 3, Federal Unfair Competition Act).